1. Made a tool to generate colour palettes using HSLuv colour space: colorcolor.in. Kick the tyres and let me know if you find it useful
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @saneef
        🎨Now, you can download the palette as SVG. Available through ‘Share → Download as SVG’. Easier to import into Figma & Sketch than copy-pasting hex codes. 😉
    1. …in reply to @saneef
      📣colorcolor.in upgraded! 🎨 Now supports bjornornorn’s Okhsl color space! 🤔 Thinking of making Okhsl default color space.
  1. …in reply to @saneef
    🦋 Made Okhsl as the default color space!